Apr 06, 2017 · This video shows how you can quickly add Azure Active Directory authentication to a PHP application using the Magium Active Directory integration found at ht

1. copy php_ldap.dll from the extension folder to winnt/system32 2. edit winnt/php.ini so that ldap is enabled (uncomment the line). 3. restart IIS. That's it and have fun with ldap. A note for Microsoft Active Directory 1. You can login with the user email, i.e. user@company.com 2. Apache :: PHP Authenticate against Active Directory Jan 29, 2008 A PHP example of how to get data from Active Directory via Sep 16, 2016 Authenticate PHP (Laravel) with Active Directory / LDAP Login to your PHP (Laravel) applications with Active Directory / LDAP Includes, identity management, single sign on, multifactor authentication, social login and more. The Developer-First Identity Platform Auth0's Story and Future by CTO and Co-founder Matias Woloski Read more Close featured banner

Here are just a few examples of what you can do with adLDAP. Read the full Developers API Reference to see what other functions are available. There's so much more than just authenticating and getting group/user information!

Sep 16, 2016 Authenticate PHP (Laravel) with Active Directory / LDAP

Active Directory doesn't accept anonymous requests anymore. With Windows Server 2003, only authenticated users may initiate an LDAP request against Windows Server 2003-based domain controllers. You can override this new default behavior by changing the seventh character of the dsHeuristics attribute on the DN path as follows:

At this point, authentication via LDAP should now be working. You can test it by for example using the web interface to log on or using the authcli tool to debug and test authentication. If you have problems authenticating we suggest checking the authentication problems troubleshooting page.. Once you have authentication against LDAP working properly, we recommend you add a user to the User Active Directory authentication using Excel VBA | Page 2 Jun 08, 2016 IIS 7 with PHP in Domain with Windows Authentication