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Can you get a refund on amazon prime

May 23, 2017 · Amazon, thankfully, doesn’t require its users to jump through hoops to get a Prime refund, and the entire process can be completed in just a few seconds on the company’s website.

Kaspersky preventing internet access

Candidates for botnet recruitment can be any device that can access an internet connection. Many devices we use today have some form of computer within them — even ones you might not consider. Nearly any computer-based internet device is vulnerable to a botnet meaning the threat is growing constantly.

How to hide your country ip address

7/02/2019 · In that situation, the IP address you’re provided with is tied to the firewall restrictions, so there’s not much you can do to circumvent them – other than finding a way to hide your IP address on your Android device, of course. If you do that, you’ll be able to watch your favorite videos or listen to your favorite music while you relax between courses or on your break.

Lavabit mail

Lavabit is the ONLY secure solution available. Their server source code is open source, and you can run your own instance of a Lavabit server (Magma) on your own infrastructure. Protonmail is CIA mail. Created by MIT grads, however not protected under the MIT license. It's a honeypot.

Mobileiron iphone

Installing email on your iPhone, is easy and a majority of companies and big FIRMs use an app called Mobileiron. This app allows, there IT teams to push profiles and control the iPhone itself so as to protect any sensitive material such as emails, documents etc being sent to and from your iPhone or iPad device.

How to stop bandwidth throttling

Sep 16, 2019 · How to stop the ISP from throttling your connection with a VPN Whether you think you’re suffering from P2P or Netflix throttling, there are some ways to respond. That’s the beauty of the open web, as long as it lasts: people constantly fight to prevent corporations from enclosing bandwidth, and they are doing so pretty successfully.


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Radius server configuration

Configuration for RADIUS server before changing the key and adding another server. HP Switch(config)# radius-server host key source0127 HP Switch(config)# radius-server host key source0119 HP Switch# show radius Status and Counters - General RADIUS Information Deadtime(min) : 0 Timeout(secs) : 5 Retransmit Attempts : 3

Ios protocols

By definition a protocol clarifies sets of methods that can be implemented by any class for an iOS app. Protocols are used to define interfaces that are implemented by classes. Protocols are often used to specify the interface for delegate objects. With the protocol feature, you can avoid having to force subclassing in order to …

Openvpn gui

Jun 27, 2019 · The Windows page has links for OpenVPN Connect, the older OpenVPN GUI and a handful of other alternative clients. At the time of writing, the page includes links for the current version of OpenVPN