I have added a new repository into my repositories and I want to list all packages. Find the total count of packages and filter some of the packages I am interested in. And now we can start the process. List All Repository Packages. yum command have list option which will list all packages from currently available repositories. This will check

Chocolatey is software management automation for Windows that wraps installers, executables, zips, and scripts into compiled packages. Chocolatey integrates w/SCCM, Puppet, Chef, etc. Chocolatey is trusted by businesses to manage software deployments. Apr 28, 2020 · Run the command sudo apt update to refresh package database. Show information about available update/packages/pathces, run: sudo apt list --upgradable; Apply security updates and patches for all installed apps, run: sudo apt upgrade; Reboot the system if kernel was updated by typing sudo reboot command. Step 1 – Update package information May 06, 2019 · Another way to empty the local repository of retrieved files is to use autoclean to clear out packages that are no longer available, use the command: sudo apt-get autoclean. To remove the unnecessary packages that apt-get automatically installs to satisfy dependencies for other packages, run the command: sudo apt-get autoremove List Installed Packges with Apt. To list all installed packages with the apt command we use the list command with the–installed flag. The flag instructs apt to only return installed packages. Without the flag, apt will generate a list of packages available from all configured repositories. sudo apt list --installed Sep 25, 2015 · Using apt-cache. To use apt-cache to list all the available packages in the system, type the following command at the prompt and press “Enter”. apt-cache pkgnames | less. Note that we added “| less” to the end of the command.

37 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them. The above command shows upgrade is available for 37 packages installed on your ubuntu server.

Jun 14, 2017 · Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint. In APT-based systems, you can find the list of installed packages from a particular repository, for example docker, using command: $ aptitude search "?origin (docker) ?installed" i containerd.io - An open and reliable container runtime i docker-ce - Docker: the open-source application container en i docker-ce-cli - Docker CLI: the open-source application containe

apt and apt-get provides online package update for the deb based distributions. We can list currently available updates of the current system with these apt and apt-get commands in different ways. We can list updateable or upgradeable packages for Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali etc. Update Repository/Packages Information

I want a list of repos in sources.list, plus those in sources.list.d/. Can I get this list in a form suitable for setting up another host so it watches the same repos? Additionally, how do I determine which repo is the source of a package, either installed or available? There are multiple ways of searching for packages available in the Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint from the command line, and in this article I'll cover apt, apt-cache and aptitude. Use this to search in both package names and package descriptions, useful if either you're looking for a specific package but you don't know the exact package name, or